DevOps Pro Europe 2022
May 30 - June 3
May 24 - 26

Lidor Gerstel
Company: Matrix
Country: Israel
DevOps Team Leader & Experienced Trainer with a demonstrated history of leading CI/CD Projects in the Industry Skilled in Kubernetes , AWS , Docker, AWS and Jenkins, Certified in AWS Solution Architect
Helm Your Deployment Needs – Learn How to Write Helm Templates the Right Way
This Amazing Workshop will be about writing Helm charts, well, actually writing your own applications and services Deployment Templating, This Workshop will include writing minimum of Code in Go and a lot of YAML files, In this Workshop we will observe together of some Advanced Company who have their own helm template and we will break them piece by piece.
- Part 1: Helm Basics
- What is Helm
- Use cases
- How to use helm
- Part 2: Create your own helm
- Lets create our first helm chart
- Make sure we template every resource
- Range and Conditionals
- Part 3: Simple Service template:
- Make our chart generic for any service anf app
- Deploy our application
- Q&A and summary
The Goal is simple – Deploy your own application with Helm
Anyone that have familiar with Kubernetes and know the basics
Anyone who participate must have its own Minikube Kubernetes Cluster or Managed kubernetes Service in the Cloud