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Michiel Sens
Xebia, Netherlands
Michiel has worked in the IT Industry for over 20 years, started off as Java Developer and currently works as a Principal DevOps Consultant / Solution Architect at Xebia in The Netherlands and is co-writer of the book “Continuous Delivery for Managers”. Michiel specializes in DevOps, Continuous Delivery and full lifecycle software development programs and as such focuses on coaching Agile Teams, setting up central build environments, automating tests, automating deployments and implementing Docker based Container Platforms. Being technical at heart, he advocates the use of Continuous Delivery and DevOps practices at seminars and meetups but remains in touch with details by performing actual implementations at customer sites as well. Aside from being an automator, Michiel is Master trainer and one of the main content providers for the DevOps Agile Skills Association (DASA) fundamentals training.
A Practical Path towards Becoming a High Performance (IT) Organization
A lot has been said about DevOps. Many surveys circulate and conclude that properly adopting DevOps principles helps companies to (drastically) lower product lead times, lead to a steep reduction in the number of outages and will speed up the mean time required to recover from failure and so on.
But how to get you there? How to actually adopt the set of required practices, behaviors and tools inside your own organization? A radical transformation that will have an impact on every single aspect of your company, wow .. this is huge! No wonder many organizations get stuck in the definition phase in implement DevOps by wording only.
The key to success here is to start small and apply synchronicity in your approach. Over the last couple of years, I have been working on many types of organizational shifts towards end to end responsible teams by applying automation to the software delivery pipeline and datacenter itself and noticed an approach which actually does work. What I like about this approach is that it addresses the challenge of change over multiple angles, it is low in risk by starting small, it delivers value straight away, it uses knowledge of the organization by applying principles to decide where the information is (mission command) and induces synchronicity and collaboration to be successful.
Knowledge for this approach has been gathered from over more than 20 years of industry experience, the many trainings Michiel has provided, the engagements he’s led, the seminars he’s visited, the books he’s read and the technical expertise he’s applied for speeding up the software delivery cycle of his customers. With this talk he would like to provide you with tangible handles to help you achieve your objectives in your quest to becoming a High Performance IT Organization. An organization that’s lightning fast, highly adaptable and positioned to innovate at will.
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