DevOps Pro Europe 2022
May 30 - June 3
May 24 - 26

Josh Thurman
Company: Uffizzi
Country: US
Co-author of the Continuous Previews Manifesto, Head of DevRel at Uffizzi, and highly decorated Navy SEAL who leverages his experience leading high-performing teams to help organizations improve how they build and deliver software. After 12 years and 11 deployments across the globe, Josh left the SEAL community in 2018 to co-found Uffizzi. Day-to-day he organizes Uffizzi’s Open Source and serves as its Head of Developer Relations. When he’s not talking about the intersection of process and technology improvements Josh competes as a National level Age Group Triathlete and enjoys spending time with his wife and four kids.
Adding CP to Your CI/CD: Automated On-Demand Environments with Uffizzi, Github Actions, and Kubernetes
Does your Dev team have to fight over a limited number of Dev Environments? Is merging broken features into main causing you big headaches? If Yes – this talk is for you!
Josh will be presenting a better way for teams to build software with Continuous Previews for the Full-Stack powered by Kubernetes and Uffizzi OSS.
Attendees for this talk will leave with:
1. An understanding of the Continuous Previews methodology (
2. How to use CP to improve team productivity
3. An OSS technical introduction
Most teams in the container era are leveraging `docker-compose.yml` to manage the Dev Environments on their local workstation, but we all know the limitations here – it’s not easily shareable!
What if you could leverage the popular docker-compose configuration to create shareable on-demand test environments in the cloud? You could have as many test environments as you need, when you need them, for as long as you need them.
A capability like this has traditionally been reserved for teams with the time, expertise, and resources to build and maintain it i.e. FAANG companies. But now with Kubernetes and Uffizzi Open Source you can have this capability internally.
With a Continuous Previews process and technical solution your team can benefit in these ways:
-No more fighting over a limited number of Dev Environments
-No more merging dirty code into main
-Catch issues early – when they’re easier to FIND and FIX
-Deliver new features faster to your end users
Most of us have CI/CD, it’s time to adopt Continuous Previews as a game-changer for how rapidly your organization can release new features!
In this talk, Josh will reference the CP process as outlined on and he will use Uffizzi Open Source installed on a Kubernetes cluster to demonstrate PR-triggered preview environments for the full-stack.
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