DevOps Pro Europe 2022
May 30 - June 3
May 24 - 26

Katarzyna Kujawa
Company: Sumo Logic
Country: Poland
Katarzyna Kujawa is a Senior Open Source Engineer at Sumo Logic working on things that she likes – getting metrics and logs and delivering them in an easy way. She has put her heart into several open source projects related to metrics and logs collection and for sure there will be more.
Tail Your Logs With Tailing Sidecar Operator
In the Kubernetes environment, it is easy to get logs from Pods when they are available on standard output (STDOUT), when the situation is different it is not a trivial case. As a best practice applications running in containers should rely on STDOUT but sometimes the application is logging to multiple files and it results in multiple log streams. For years people used different approaches to solve the issue with logs not available on STDOUT using for example solutions with “tail -f” command in manually added sidecar container or mounting volume with logs to host. We decided to simplify getting problematic logs from Pod and because of that Tailing Sidecar Operator appeared which makes desired logs available on STDOUT based on simple configuration. During this presentation Katarzyna will describe the problems with getting logs not available on STDOUT and will show how Tailing Sidecar Operator helps in getting them, leveraging benefits of using mutating admission webhooks to inject tailing sidecar container to Pod.
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