DevOps Pro Europe 2022

May 30 - June 3



May 24 - 26



Roberto Freato

Positon: CTO

Company: Witailer

Country: Italy


Roberto has been an independent IT consultant since he started to work. After his MSc in computer science engineering with a thesis about consumer cloud computing, he got specialization in Cloud and Azure.

Today he works as a freelance consultant for major companies in Italy, helping clients to design and kick-off their distributed software solutions. Roberto wrote some books on Microsoft Azure, for K12 education and he trains/speaks for the developer community in many national and international conferences.

Also, Roberto holds 45+ technical certifications on various vendors (MS, Sun, EXIN, Apple, Cisco, IBM) and he is a Microsoft MVP since 2010. In the last years he has been also CTO for ReStore, an eCommerce company leading the Click & Collect Italian eCommerce market for grocery, and now for Witailer, a leading company in the Amazon and eMarketplace services for brands.


Serverless Containers with Azure, Containers Instances & Apps

In the latest years, containers become the new standard to run workloads regardless of the underlying compute runtime. But, the orchestrator cost is still there, in most of the scenarios. With Azure, we can use containers without all the hassle of managing K8s, first with Azure Container Instances and now with Azure Container Apps. Come to this session to see how we made it run in production with those amazing tools.

Session Keywords

🔑 Serverless
🔑 Containers
🔑 Docker
🔑 Dapr