DevOps Pro Europe 2020
March 24-26

Viktor Farcic is a Principal Software Delivery Strategist and Developer Advocate at CloudBees, a member of the Google Developer Experts and Docker Captains groups, and published author.
His big passions are DevOps, Containers, Kubernetes, Microservices, Continuous Integration, Delivery and Deployment (CI/CD) and Test-Driven Development (TDD).
He often speaks at community gatherings and conferences.
He published The DevOps Toolkit Series (, DevOps Paradox ( and Test-Driven Java Development (
His random thoughts and tutorials can be found in his blog
The Recipe For Continuous Delivery
What does it take to implement continuous delivery today? What is the recipe?
For years, all we needed was Jenkins and a few agents. Is that still the case? Can we keep up with technology and do continuous delivery as we did it during the last few years?
We bet that if we list all the ingredients, it will turn out that you haven’t even heard about many of them. Kubernetes? That’s an easy one. How about Helm, tekton, skaffold, ChartMuseum, KSync, kaniko, and Prow? What do you get when you mix those and quite a few others and sprinkle them with some GitOps and ChatOps? Is the result something that everyone can use, even if they never heard about those tools?