DevOps Pro Europe 2021
May 11-13

Catalin Popa
Country: Romania
Catalin Popa, CEO of, is a leading expert in app development and cloud computing, with several years of experience working in international enterprise projects all around the world. His company helps organizations realize digital transformation by adopting cloud technologies and best practices. Catalin is also a recognized Microsoft MVP, being consider one of the industry experts on Azure.
Automated Infrastructure Deployment in Azure With Arm Templates and Azure Devops
Deploying full solutions into the cloud has always been tricky. Creating and managing different cloud resources, so that the solution will be up and running can create a lot of work. In this session, we will demonstrate how such deployments can be automated and be performed at scalable level. Have your cloud application/environment up and running with just one click of a button/execution of a script with ARM templates and Azure Devops.
Session Keywords