DevOps Pro Europe 2021

May 11-13


Marcel Müller

Positon: Platform Engineer

Company: Giant Swarm

Country: Germany


Marcel is a Platform Engineer at Giant Swarm where he works on Kubernetes Operators and focuses on all things Release Engineering. He is passionate about infrastructure automation in distributed systems and building fault-tolerant software. Marcel is excited to share the learnings he has made along the way. During the last two years he has been closely following Kubernetes upstream developments such as Cluster-API and KIND.


Kubernetes Operators: What are They and Why would You Need Them?

Kubernetes operators have become a more common technology to handle the complexity of deploying and managing applications as well as infrastructure from within Kubernetes.

In this talk, Marcel will present the basics of Kubernetes Operators which will enable you to use them more effectively as well as understand them properly. This knowledge will be invaluable if you ever need to write or debug one yourself.

Session Keywords

🔑 Kubernetes
🔑 Operators