DevOps Pro Europe 2021
May 11-13

Michiel Rook
Company: Independent Consultant
Country: The Netherlands
Michiel Rook is a very experienced, passionate, and pragmatic freelance IT consultant from the Netherlands. Working as a coach, software developer & architect, and a strong leader, he considers it his mission to help companies significantly improve their software quality and delivery process.
Currently, he focuses on adopting Continuous Delivery & DevOps principles, culture and tooling, legacy software transformations, and cloud migrations. Michiel is a regular speaker at (international) conferences and events.
Learning in Production (or Why the Apollo 11 Landing Nearly Failed)
Tests, monitoring, help us assert the known knowns of our systems. But what about the known unknowns? Or, especially in complex distributed systems, the unknown unknowns? What can we learn from the space program? What can we learn from the Apollo 11 landing? How can we prepare for the unknown and build our adaptive capacity?
Session Keywords