DevOps Pro Europe 2020
March 24-26

Janos Pasztor is a DevOps engineer and developer with over a decade of experience in the industry and a passion for creating educational content.
Talk #1
Behavior Testing Your Containers
Do you manually test your containers? Do you not test at all? What if Janos were to tell you there is a better way? An easy, readable way? This talk will give you an introduction into behavior testing with Python and Gherkin, a very friendly, readable test description language, and it will guide you through creating a test environment for your containers.
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Talk #2
Deploying Kubernetes Without Losing Your Sanity and Breaking the Bank with k3s
Kubernetes is a monster. Even the most experienced DevOps engineers say that they are unable to deploy Kubernetes without a tool. What if I told you there was a Kubernetes out there that’s easy to deploy? What if I told you this Kubernetes only required 512 MB of RAM to run? What if I told you that you could get it running five minutes after the talk? Rancher has recently brought out k3s, a lightweight, easy to deploy Kubernetes distribution and this talk will guide you through setting it up, making it production-ready and the pitfalls you might encoutner.
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Containers for Beginners
Containers are the hot new thing, the technology that really brought the DevOps movement to the next level. Every other week a new tool comes out that claims to make containers easier to use, but information and good advice is often hard to come by. Our aim is to give the attendees the knowledge needed to move applications into the cloud and containers.